I should also appologise for not mentioning that I've been training for a half marathon for the last two months (ran it on Sunday... bloody freezing but I finished). I think that's fair enough given that Meatpopsicle didn't mention that he's been training for the world hotdog eating championships for the last two months.
Well, it was a good fight. I thought I was screwed when Meatpopsicle got sick that time and was down to 78kg or so. But I guess it's the classic tale of the tortoise and the hare, as I already suspected on the 2nd of June (if I knew how to do it there would be a link here). The meat jumps out of the blocks, takes a massive lead, then gets lazy and falls asleep before the finish line, allowing me to waddle past, slowly but surely.
What was it? The golden arches called you once too often? You forgot what the F in KFC stands for? Your wife got pregnant and you are having some kind of sympathetic response?
Still, in both % and kg lost terms, meat wins hands down. Well done... your arteries can thank me later.
What next?